
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

NH Courts in Chaos even with Order's

George Orwell once said "Political chaos is connected with the decay of language... one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end." If so then Judicial chaos is connected with the decay of literacy, one could probably bring about improvement if all the legal actors involved followed the rules and orders of their superior and actually had stock in their oath of office.

For example, in New Hampshire, the court system is operating in chaos, we have a first amendment right to free speech so the courts are suppose to accessible to all unless its so disruptive; the bulger case packs the court so what could be so disruptive? Anything the judge says for example this order from 2008  f clearly informs the public and the courts that audio and/or video taping is allowed in court rooms.

So, instead of paying $25.00 plus for poor quality tapes from the courts you can create your own when your in there. However, this development this past March of 2012, again like GAL cases shows the Judges of these courts do not know the laws and orders they are suppose to act under.

If they did NH Pubic Radio and the Union Leader Corporation in the above case would not have had to file suit to sustain their right to record for more information on your right to record in any media form see

"Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." (Henry Miller) However, if the average  person can understand the order and the Court/Judge fails to implement it; that is oppression. Start taping video recording and demanding accountability.

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