
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

WAKE UP CONCORD - OPEN LETTER TO ALL LEGISLATORS your failures affect Children in NH

Plain Stupidity or Set-up for more fraud in New Hampshire:

"Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate." Anonymous

You know legislation and laziness is a very bad combination when decisions like this come out of Concord; its not only the run on sentences and poor grammar use; but, the lack of logic in putting the DJJS Division for Juvenile Justice Services and DCYF Department of Children Youth and Families under one director - first these are the two areas that conflict the most; the only thing gained from being under one director; who has been running both without legislative consent as confirmed in the article below for several months now CONFIRMED HERE:   the purpose is solely to capture more federal / state funding not used for the best interests of children in either populations because both have failed federal and state audits on their activities with these populations. This report by Maggie Bishop queen of distorted statistics  does not clearly spell out what the federal government states here : NH's  failures in their duties across the board are upto and beyond 66% of the populations served over the last 20 years; yet our congressional leaders still fund their lack lustrous ineffective programs at 75% under title IV, tanf and other block grants and then the State of NH through the Reimbursment Unit under DHHS turns around and charges the parent's of these children in both arenas at 100% ; 200% if they are divorced. DCYF collects here under NH RSA 169-C The Child Protection Act  the DJJS collects here under NH RSA 169-B Delinquent Children Act: Both of the aboved are Labeled "Liability of Expenses and Hearing on Liability"; yet rarely do parents get a hearing on liability before they get a bill.

This study by the UNH conducted in 2004 gave the DJJS arena ways to impove their system ; however, the disability rights center did an investigation into the Sununu youth facility as recently as 2010  and found " "An unreasonably large number of restraints resulted from issues of resident noncompliance rather than for safety issues." Exposing children to unreasonable risk "staff regularly used dangerous restraint techniques to control youth's behavior." As stated above, "the most common incident reviewed involved staff using a 1 or 2-arm "takedown" to put a child into a prone floor or bed restraint, ending with placing the child in handcuffs and removing the child from the unit." Really, you wonder why they are repeat offenders at such a young age; they are learning to treat people cruelly, because that is how they are condition to be treated by the State of New Hampshire not their parents and nothing has changed in that facility. State, government conditioning anything new? Nothing new there, most nortorous would be hitler.

Moreover, DCYF In Re. Eric L 1991-2003 and this study in 2005 indicate  "class action lawsuits can definitely effectuate large-scale systemic change for child welfare systems. Yet ideally, given the expense and time-consuming nature of litigation, systemic transformation and improvement would best occur in other ways, administratively and legislatively, without the need for such lawsuits." The deflection from public view is not for the interest of children it is directed at continuing to hide funding in these areas and the rate of failure to help the community. Why? Because it will all happen behind closed doors as it does now so whats changed? Now, if this passes you will have absolutely no oversight to maintain accountability which there is now none.

Why is elderly affairs involved in the decision making process here? Why would you put two state departments so dysfunctional in operations together? And under the direction of Maggie Bishop who has failed all audits todate on her department? 

Its like saying lets just have the legislative branch under the chief justice of the supreme court or for that matter 400 legislators can take a crack at trying any case in the NH system no checks and no balances none; its what we have now anyway. No wonder another state department called me in to work today; they did not want me to be involved in this hearing and it's the 5th time it coincidentally coinsided with a child and family hearing, I am sure its just a "coincident". 

Seriously, one does not need to work directly for them to research the injustices occurring in this system. Including the fact that children leaving the system at age 18; are not given independent living skills to move forward nor are they given free secondary education as goes on in other states and they are being put on the street penniless without resources and without places to go; under Maggie Bishop that's the best interest of the child.  

Furthermore,we as taxpayers are in fact and not theory paying the state to hurt these children. Why? because we do not DEMAND accountability and corrections from the people who are suppose to serve us.

Heads up when you age and go to the Elderly Commission the people who will be there to help you will be the ones who you brushed aside; stop and think how that will work out for you. WAKE UP CONCORD & N.H.

Wednesday, MAY 9, 2012 CONSENT CALENDAR CHILDREN AND FAMILY LAW SB 349, relative to the administration of juvenile justice services.
Not if you help put a stop to it now:
Rep. Anne C Grassie for Children and Family Law: The committee agrees with the Senate and the House Health and Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee that juvenile justice and child welfare can best serve youth and families by sharing and collaborating under a common director. By merging both divisions division of children, youth and families (DCYF) and department of juvenile justice services (DJJS) communities can view DCYF as a valuable intervention for all children regardless of petition type, and limited resources and limited resources can be utilized more effectively. Creating one division from two that currently share one budget, one director and one practice model makes the most sense. Vote 11-0. AS amended by the senate here:
Contact your legislators and demand accountability !
"An aware parent loves all children he or she interacts with for you are a caretaker for those moments in time." Doc Childre
Even if you are not a parent you are responsible for the next generation!

1 comment:

  1. Who in their right mind ever put Maggie Bishop in charge of Juvenile justice services? Hasn't she ruined more than enough childrens lives as Director of DCYF? Six year's as Director and the state of NH is in shambles. Why give her more power when she already believes she is above the Law? She is still not being held accountable for ALL the illegally stolen, illegally adopted children in NH.
    I liked your description of her, the Queen of Distortion! Good one, but here's another,the Devil in disguise or maybe even Hitler reincarnated!
